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Sunita Staneslow Workshops
Sunday, March 08, 2015, 01:00pm



Sunday, March 8th, 2015

Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church
73 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena 91106


Sunita is a leader in the international folk harp world.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn innovative ways of making your music unique and artistic!


The Art of Arpeggio 1-2:30pm
Timing is Everything 2:45-4:15pm

Tuition: $30 for one workshop - $50 for both

Pay at the door - cash or check only, no credit cards. 

by the way - please be aware - Daylight Saving Time ("Spring ahead") starts Sunday March 8! 

The Art of the Arpeggio (1-2:30 pm)

Learn to flow seamlessly between two arpeggios to use as an interlude or a transition between pieces. Adding a descending bass line to gentle arpeggios is a beautiful way to create a comforting blanket of sound for a healing service. Arpeggios are glorious and versatile. I will share several ways of fingering, phrasing and adding extra notes so that you create waves of sound that don't sound like an arpeggio warm-up! It is about learning how to control flowing lines and phrases so that you are a better musician. Gain control and open your ears. This is a class for everyone who wants to develop their musicianship. All levels. Bringing a HARP is recommended - for a hands-on experience!

Timing is Everything (2:45-4:15 pm)

The difference between exciting and nice is in the timing. The difference between placing that last note and everyone holds their breath, and snuffing out the flame, is in the timing. The difference between creating a phrase that flows into the next phrase, or one that is left hanging, is timing. The difference between playing what you want to hear, and playing what your fingers want to play, is timing. Timing is control. Timing is rhythm. Timing is expression. Without timing, our music is flat or rigid. Timing is everything if you want to play music and not just notes. Learn how to control the time---make time stop or speed up and get your blood pumping. Learn to listen to your phrases and how the harp is still ringing. Listen, feel, and play like you have never played before. Timing really is everything.  Bringing a HARP is recommended - for a hands-on experience!


 And then at 5 pm - Sunita's concert! Click here for more information.

Sponsored by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Harp Society

Location : Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church, 73 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena CA 91106
Contact : Bonnie Mohr 626-357-0355
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